It's a puzzle, but it has for its delight a kind of solitary quality, both of the composer and of the solver of the chess problem.
A motive is just a little cell, a germ, out of which the composer will build other musical material.
动机只是个微小的细胞,一个胚芽,基于它 作曲家会创造新的音乐素材
Who is the composer of the piece that you're about to hear and what is its title or what's it called?
So the composer in the West is very important, more important than the composer in other cultures.
Who is the composer of this and what--in what composition is this piece used?
We can kind of freeze dry this thing and store it and then bring it back to life more or less exactly as the composer had intended.
So again the process of notation allows the composer to loom larger.
Anybody know that piece and the name of the composer?
The composer-- Anybody know the composer of this?
So who is the composer of that?
The great architect, the thinker is the composer and the performer, the violinist, gets this piece of-- gets this blueprint or black print in the case of musical notation and is expected simply to replicate the black print.
That's a one-movement work in which the composer tries to tell a story or play out an historic event or, in the case of the Strauss, to give us the beginning of the contents of a philosophical novel through music.
It gives a sense of what this music is all--really all about and since, as we were saying, so much classical music doesn't have a text with it we've got to have some markers in there to know what the composer is trying to communicate to us.
I want to play this one with the piano a little bit and I ask you the name of the composer of this piece-- it's a bit less well known but maybe not-- what it's called and when in the history of music it was written.
The first, you can see on the board up there, is by another Russian composer, Modest Musorgsky.
Maurice Ravel was a French composer writing in the early twentieth century.