Notice here how Yeats images what is at the core of Christ's birth.
And so we have the overlap of the Core curriculum, of course, which is fantastic.
At the core of it is a belief in progress, something that was essentially not present among the Greeks.
I said at the core blitz that one of the things I'm going to try to do is introduce some things from beyond chemistry. So, let's see what the Bard had to say about nomenclature.
Maybe you might even say following Spinoza, that this is the core of Plato's theological political treatise here.
Now, at the core of behaviorism are three extremely radical and interesting views.
Now there's something very wrong about this diagram, in that it's showing these functions as sort of centralized in the core, and of course that's not how your body is organized.
That's the core function of WHCF.
So, no matter whether or not you write out the full form here, or the noble gas configuration where you write ne first or whatever the 3s1 corresponding noble gas is to the core electrons, we always write out the valence electrons here.
Like how does a university or how does any - -well let's stick with the university- how do you get to the core and decide: yes this is actually the intention of this is justice.
But I don't think it can be at the core in terms of what's bad about death.
And there's a huge critical industry around Flannery O'Connor, and at the core of it is a body of criticism that finds and articulates and explains the religious meanings of her texts.
They believed in the gods,they were religious people, but the core of their lives was shaped by human things in a way different from what was true of the Hebrews and the Christians later on, that is a Divine view.
The core of political science at least according to Aristotle and to this degree I'm very much an Aristotelian what distinguishes it from all other studies Politea is the concept of the regime of the politea.
That happens because of space issues that you were asked to do that, because you can always assume that all of the core orbitals are already going to be filled.
Another aspect that is very important in this sort of enlightenment approach is individualism, that the core of everything is the single individual person.