Israel's past and present and future generations form a collective entity, Israel, that collectively assents to the covenant.
The Lady's talent has to be spent in order to fulfill the covenant of the trust between the master and the servant.
He accepts entirely, or the laws force him to accept entirely, the covenant that every citizen has with the laws that binds them to absolute obedience.
The covenant also entails God's promise to restore the rhythm of life and nature and never again to destroy the earth.
Moses reads the book of the covenant--it's called the Scroll of the Covenant--publicly: this is said in Exodus 24:7.
So for this reason, All alien practices are to be removed from the covenant community.
Chapters 19 to 24 are very, very important chapters that contain the theophany, the self-revelation of God to the Israelites, and the covenant that's concluded at Sinai.
Why does it matter that Israel understands its relationship with God, and uses the covenant as a vehicle for expressing its relationship with God, the vehicle of the suzerainty treaty?
The most salient feature of the Deuteronomistic School is the conviction that Israel's residence in the land is a function of its obedience or disobedience to the covenant with Yahweh.
A further theme in Deuteronomy is the fact that the covenant concept entails the idea that each generation of Israelites understand itself as having been bound with God in the original covenant.
The Israelites march around Jericho for six days with seven priests carrying seven horns and the Ark of the Covenant, and then with a blast and a shout the walls tumble.
We have the preamble, and the historical background to the covenant in God's summary introduction to the people in Exodus 20: "I am Yahweh who brought you out of the land of Egypt."
The covenant with Yahweh will also, we shall see soon, preclude alliances with other human competitors.
And so it was a testament to the covenant between God and Israel.
The covenant is then sealed by a formal ritual.
The ark itself contained the tablets of the covenant.
So while the relationship of D to some of the laws in the Covenant Code is often--not always but often--one of revision, the relationship between D and the laws in the Priestly source is more difficult to characterize.
Scholars tend to place great emphasis on the deliverance from Egypt as the high point in the Exodus narrative, rather than the more natural literary climax, which is the conclusion of the covenant at Mount Sinai, and the delivery of the Torah.
In 24, the Israelites are assembled at Shechem to renew the covenant and Joshua recounts God's mighty deeds on behalf of Israel and exhorts them to choose whom they will serve: Yahweh, who has done all of this for them so undeservedly, or the gods of those whose lands they are settling in.
The sovereign is described by Hobbes as an artificial person by which he means the sovereign is the creation of the contract or the covenant that brought this office into being.
It actually takes several chapters to reach a resolution, and God pouts for quite a while, but a renewal of the covenant does occur, and another set of stone tablets is given, and according to one rabbinic text the broken tablets, as well as the new tablets, are both placed in the ark .
The imperative of preserving a distinct identity based on giving up the worship of other gods or older gods and observing all that is written in the law of Moses is reiterated in Joshua's farewell address in Joshua 23, and in the covenant renewal ceremony in 24.
In any event, many scholars through their analysis of these texts have been led to conclude that the Deuteronomistic School updated and revised earlier laws, particularly laws in the Covenant Code, but sometimes also in the older legal stratum of P; and they did so in keeping with the circumstances of the eighth to sixth century.
In verse 8, the people solemnly undertake to fulfill the terms of the covenant, so we have at least three of the steps that we find in the Hittite treaties, as well.
It's a dramatic way-station in a story that's going to reach its climax in the covenant that will be concluded at Sinai, and as many sensitive readers of the Bible have noted, the road from Egypt leads not to the other side of the Reed Sea, but on to Sinai.
Mount Zion is in Jerusalem, it's the Temple Mount today where the mosque now is. Today, we'll consider Levenson's analysis of the Sinai tradition as an entree into the Israelite concept of the Torah, and the covenant bond, its meaning and its implications.
We already talked about the Hittite vassal treaties as a model for the Israelite covenant, when we were talking about Exodus.
Remember in the Noahide covenant, in Genesis 9, which is a Priestly passage, the Priestly blood prohibition: You may not spill human blood.