The driver's expression and his hand stayed exactly the way they were, as if he didn't hear very well.
I basically wanted to do... and to be a taxi driver because of the freedom that it gives me.
Suppose you're the driver of a trolley car, and your trolley car is hurtling down the track at 60 miles an hour.
The last thing is information technology, as a driver of finance.
My son,when he was in Seconde, which is the first year of French high school, they were out blocking traffic until some angry driver rolled over the foot of a protestor and then everybody kind of went off and ate pizza.
And if you've ever heard the word driver software that you install in your computer so that your computer, your operating system, Windows or Mac OS, knows how to talk to that piece of hardware, it's that driver software that then empowers the operating systems to send those commands as well, up, the data is laid out on the disk.
And now, you're not the driver, you really feel helpless until you notice standing next to you, leaning over the bridge is a very fat man.
This time you're not the driver of the trolley car, you're an onlooker.
The limo driver was driving me to the airport and was pointing out the scenes in London.