And even in Atlantis, of the legend the night the seas rushed in, The drowning men still bellowed for their slaves.
He was drowned and the drowning was an accident.
So Collins suggests that the poem in Exodus 15 is celebrating and preserving a historical memory of an escape from or a defeat of Pharaoh and that the drowning image is used metaphorically as it is elsewhere in Hebrew poetry to describe the Egyptians' humiliation and defeat.
And as they were past they see that a small child has fallen into the pond and is in danger drowning.
So the pharaoh enlists all of the people to annihilate the Israelites by drowning all newborn males in the Nile River.
But a few verses later it's clear that the poet isn't really drowning: this is a metaphor for his difficult situation.
Later writers take this poetic image and fill out the allusion to - drowning in this ancient song, and compose the prose accounts in Exodus 14, in which the metaphor is literalized.
This is often referred to as the Song of the Sea, and here the image is one of sinking and drowning in the Sea of Reeds.