And I think the easy way to do is- is to do it with an example.
The "what do you" pattern is an easy way to find out more information about somebody else.
what do you”句型是用来进一步了解他人情况的一个简单的方式。
And because there is an explicit relationship between u, delta u, q and w, you can always find the easy way to derive the change in internal energy or the heat or the work.
But the Greek tragic view does not take either of these routes, which I regard as a relatively easy escape from the problem compared to the way the Greeks got stuck.
Now the fact is that the Trans fats can get switched out of foods in a pretty easy way by the industry, because now they're doing it pretty routinely like all the restaurants in New York are having to do it, for an example.
Meaning, we're going to try to help you with how to develop good programming style, but you need to write in a way in which it is going to be easy for you to spot the places that cause those semantic bugs to occur.