His resentment over his powerlessness within the family seethes in this moment, and he thinks of a way to get back at his father.
Immortality. One way is through your family and its sons who carry forward the family name, so to speak.
I hope that we will be able to cure the disease so that no children, no family would be affected in the same way that i've seen Larson family affected.
I don't mean necessarily by a "gentlemen" somebody who holds the door for others, or so on, but somebody who stands up for his family and friends in the way that he does.
And you're just unconscious of how this happens but it's unpleasant and kind of frightening that this could happen, that this could apply to things like why you're now studying at Yale, why you feel the way you do towards your friends, towards your family.
One of them,by the way,just about ten years ago, the Orleanist family suffered kind of an embarrassing reversal when one of the Orleanists, sort of the third in line if there was ever an Orleanist restoration of the throne,was arrested for burglary, as being an accessory for burglary in the Pyrenees-Orientales.