This is how Homer prepared himself to be the greatest and the first of all epic poets.
I would first of all, congratulate you for taking the first step of starting to learn that process.
What I want you to notice first of all is the kind of reader that's being invoked here for that modernist classic Ulysses.
Take the first part of the refrain first: "All changed, changed utterly."
Now the first law is going to hold in all of these steps, and we're going around in a cycle.
First of all, he wanted to imbed in his upcoming high potentials the user application of really advanced investment theory.
All right. So, let's pick up where we left off, first of all we're still on the hydrogen atom from Monday.
He was responsible for writing the first justification for an armed rebellion against a legitimate monarch, the first to publish such a work in, essentially, all of Europe.
I said this sentence in one of the first two classes, 'all cells are the same', and you know that's true.
First of all, the majority of the alpha particles were transmitted through the screen, OK, majority, vast majority.
We have first of all, the whole offering or "burnt offering," it's sometimes called. This is when an animal is entirely burned to create, as the text says, a pleasant smelling odor or pleasant smelling smoke that ascends to God.
Just a few small points. First of all, keep in mind that the bug is probably not where you think it is. Because if a bug were there, you'd have already found it.
Now, who, first of all, who were the communards, who were the people that was left?
Not nearly with the priority we should be If we were, we would be first of all thinking about how to build a north Atlantic..
The first law, if you want to say, "What's the summary of all of this?"
First of all, there are two ways to get to the course website.