As you know, Stephen Schwarzman is a graduate of Yale College and he's one of the great stories of our century.
I'm also a graduate student. I go to the New School for Social Research which is, like, right there.
And what she does in the experiment is she poses as a graduate student in clinical psychology who is interviewing male participants ?
And it was taken the lab of Donald Olding Hebb at McGill University by a couple of graduate students, post-doc of that time, James Olds and Peter Milner And what they've done?
Well, for the answer to that we have to go back to ancient Greek music theory, and when you read about this--it's really turgid stuff-- but believe it or not, I teach a course on this at the graduate level.
Well, as I said, I'm a graduate fellow in one of the undergraduate colleges,
But no matter, I spent a year in graduate school doing forensic research and working for the local Middlesex DA's office where I learned how to make a so-called forensic image of a digital camera's media card.
The second person I have set up now to come-- although the date on the syllabus online is going to be changed--is Andrew Redleaf, who is also a Yale graduate and who set up a hedge fund called Whitebox Advisors.
我邀请的第二位客座嘉宾,也许网上教学大纲的日期,会有所变动...是安德鲁·雷德利夫,他也是一位耶鲁的毕业生,他创设了Whitebox Advisors对冲基金
But that may simply be our own prejudice to think that my friend at Peter Simpson the CUNY Graduate Center Peter Simpson has argued in a paper that I found quite convincing that Aristotle had in fact discovered the American Constitution.
They're interesting enough that they can be tested and as such they go to--they might be wrong but they graduate to the level of a scientific theory.
If you were giving a job talk-- and this is for people in graduate school particularly-- If you were giving a job talk and the slide projector breaks, you're screwed.