Some of the, sort of industry is hurting but what Indian government has done has opened up very slowly.
and the ground is really soft, so that you don't end up hurting your joints.
And so ultimately one of the messages we'd like to send today is that if you are the type who's kind of on-the-fence don't think this is for you, worried about hurting your GPA or anything like that.
By torturing the bodies we cause pain to the minds,the personalities, who have beliefs about who's hurting.
Arthroscopic surgery in one sense is a fancy example of that, a way of looking inside a joint to see what's happening inside while the person is alive and without hurting them.
Because there is a lot of research that shows when we praise people indiscriminately, we are actually in the long run potentially hurting them more than helping them, whether it's their wellbeing,as well as their success.
But focusing on things that are sustainable and scalable so that when we launch more schools or go into the next market or whatever we do, we're going to set ourselves up to have the same success that we've had without hurting our self in the current position.
And those who argue it's not possible and use science to argue for that, very often,are hurting more than helping the field.