• Some laws in Exodus,the Book of the Covenant,a few things--yes, it says Moses wrote those down, but not the whole five books that tradition later will ascribe to him.


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  • But the introduction, "You shall be holy for I the Lord your God am holy"--being holy in imitation of God is emphasized repeatedly as the purpose of the laws in the Holiness Code especially.


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  • The question is, why does Socrates exhibit such proud defiance and independence of the laws in the Apology, and such total, even kind of mouse-like, acquiescence to the laws in the Crito?


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  • It's a little bit like the NAIC -the National Association of Insurance Commissioners -recommends laws to the local insurance regulators in the fifty United States.


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  • And that's a difference in authorship. So if you look, for example, at the prologue to the laws of Ur-nammu: An and Enlil gave kingship to Ur-nammu, but Ur-nammu is said to establish equity and the laws.


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  • In the middle Assyrian laws also, homicide--it's up to the family.


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  • So while the relationship of D to some of the laws in the Covenant Code is often--not always but often--one of revision, the relationship between D and the laws in the Priestly source is more difficult to characterize.


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  • The Torah laws-- And also, the laws in those collections very often, despite the prologues' rhetoric that they bring justice to the disadvantaged and so on, many of the laws clearly serve the interests of an upper class. Okay, that's the more important point.


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  • For the most part Deuteronomy doesn't really contain much in the way of civil law. It tends to focus on the moral-religious prescriptions kind of the apodictic law in Israel--and the few civil laws that are there tend to be reworked in line with Deuteronomy's humanity.


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