Now in the middle years of the seventeenth century during the English revolution that saw the execution of the king and saw the establishment of a non-monarchic republican government, Milton had practically invented the formal language, the literary language, of insubordination.
There is also a belief in the divine election of David as the king of Israel and his dynasty.
He would gladly have traded dozens -he would have traded dozens of corrupt Anglican ministers for the simple and honest King.
That caused a rebellion and they overthrew the kings, and thereafter, the word king was a dirty word in Roman history.
And this is based on the story, the mythical story of a king who killed his father and married his mother.
In other words, in his propaganda, Augustus basically said, "I'm not a king, I'm just another senator, and I'm giving the Senate and the people all their power back."
They formed the rank and file of the republican armies in England against the rule of the king.
So the king told his assistant to go and get the man, give the man his wish.
So, these officials, nobles get these kinds of officials, and really, they could rake it in, get these titles and they are representing the king.
This was a tremendous embarrassment to the Bank of England and Mervyn King, who was a very good governor of the Bank of England; but this apparently took him by surprise.
And concomitantly a second reason is that that Civil Rights revolution also brought, through its process, a huge discovery at the same time of Northern racism, when Martin Luther King brought the movement to Chicago and nearly got killed doing it.
Gilgamesh was apparently a historical character, an actual king of Uruk but the story of course has fantastic and legendary qualities to it.
The death of Edward King is really forcing him to question the point of his pursuit of greatness, of poetic fame, and all of his ambition.
It is only the book of Deuteronomy that assumes or prepares for a monarchy and contains legislation for a king, and the things that he should do.
It is being written and redacted at a time when there is a king in Israel, there have been kings in Israel, and it is providing laws for the construction of an ideal monarchy.
And the king said, "Are you sure that's all you want?