I mentioned in the last lecture that the famous flower passage here of course is -- this is pure fantasy.
As we saw in the last lecture, the elder brother holds an entirely different theory of chastity, and of course, it's a lot more optimistic.
So, someone says I didn't understand what he was talking about at the end of the last lecture when he was doing the Bohr model.
We also drop the lowest score on a problem set and also lest in my appeal in the last lecture in this sounds a little too tailored to only those less comfortable realize too those more comfortable as we'll see today.
And for the last lecture or so I've been talking about, in addition to the deprivation account, the additional things that contribute to the badness of death.
I want to motivate regulation in terms of the last lecture.
I'm using the term mythology now the way we used it in the last lecture when we were talking about Kaufman's work.
OK. At the end of the lecture last time, I also showed you an example of binary search.
The discussion from last lecture and for about half of this lecture is going to be social psychology.
It'll probably be the last example I have time for and so I'll go through the rest of them quickly in the next lecture.
I started last time, and actually my whole lecture existed under the rubric of, this quotation from Sabbath Lily Hawks, and I'm just going to read it to you again. "I like his eyes.
we can run the engine backward and build a refrigerator, if you've got your lecture notes from last period your 8-9, well, they're labeled 8-9 lecture notes, I made an attempt to define something which was a little bit misguided.
And then finally, as you know, the first concept sheet is due next week, and any of those who were here for the first time can go to the lecture notes for last week and it gives a detailed description of how to do the first concept sheet.
This is the claim--not that nobody believes they're going to die; that's the one we've been talking about for the last lecture or so--but instead, the claim that everybody dies alone.
Finally, for the last lecture for this semester, I want to pull this together and talk about one of the themes that is summarized in terms of a theme of this course: the democratization of finance.
In any case, the question of value and valuation is an important one in Comus, and it's important in part because the rhetoric of the mask is saturated in the economic, the commercial, and the financial imagery that we were looking at in the last lecture.
As I mentioned at the end of last lecture, what I want to do is offer us a set of thought experiments.
Last time we looked at the notion, last lecture we looked at the idea of a distribution.
At the end of last lecture, we started introducing some of the pieces you want to do.
And so I joked, badly, I'll agree, at the end of last lecture, that we can just stop now, go straight to the final exam, because this is all you need to know.
I'm going to post PowerPoints for all the lectures, hopefully at least the day before the lecture takes place, so I posted this last night.
So, what that really means, you know, from last week's lecture, is that the vaccine stimulates these particular cells in your immune system to give you immunity.
Because the algorithm I proposed is going to leverage this idea of recursion which recall was just a piece of jargon we tossed out at the last-- at the end of last week's lecture, last time's lecture recursion really in this context refers to the act of a function calling it's self.
The thing that comes to my mind is that-- I want to say before concluding this review of the last lecture-- that is that the stock market is inherently political in any country.
So don't come away thinking that whatever it is that we've talked about here in lecture is the last word on the subject.