For many today, Hobbes' conception of the Leviathan state is synonymous with anti-liberal absolutism.
Perhaps we should airlift copies of Leviathan to them, because that is the issue that Hobbes is fundamentally concerned with.
The simile is there ostensibly to compare Satan with the great sea beast, leviathan. In the comparison of Satan's shield with the moon is the figure of the Tuscan artist, the Tuscan artist being Galileo.
In the case of Leviathan, I would suggest to you, Hobbes' central question is, ? what makes authority possible?
Does Hobbes' emphasis on the preservation of life as the supreme moral value, does this turn his mighty Leviathan into ? a kind of commonwealth of cowards?
Consider just the following passage from Leviathan with one of my favorite titles from the book, a chapter called "Of Darkness from Vain Philosophy " and Fabulous Traditions."
Hobbes may, I think, overestimate or maybe I really should say underestimate the difficulty of the book but he returns to this again at the very end of Leviathan.
Hobbes returned to England the same year of the book's publication, and spent most of the rest of his long life, Leviathan was written well into his 60s.
Now, his language in that sentence that I just read from the introduction, "For by art", again, "is created that great Leviathan called a commonwealth or a state."
From one point of view, reading Hobbes, his account of the state of nature seems to derive from his physics of motion and rest, in the opening chapters of Leviathan.
It is most of all pride that Hobbes wants to tame and of course the very title of his book, Leviathan, ? he tell us later on comes from what?
Leviathan was excoriated by almost every reader of the text.
Through art, again, is created the great Leviathan.
The sovereign, he says, or Leviathan, this great artificial man, the sovereign is something more like what we would call today an office, rather than a person, as when we speak of the executive as an office.
The opening chapters of Leviathan, which I have only assigned a few, but the opening chapters present a kind of political physics where human beings are reduced to body and the body is further reduced to so much matter and motion.
In the forty-sixth chapter of Leviathan, a chapter we will read later, Hobbes wrote, "I believe that scarce anything can be more repugnant to government than much of what Aristotle has said in his Politics, " nor more ignorantly than a great part of his Ethics."
Consider one thinker, and I will, I'm going to read you a short passage and I'm going to come back to this again later in the semester, from Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan, chapter 31 of Leviathan, where Hobbes gives us a very personal statement about his intention in writing this book.
For by art", he says in the introduction, "For by art is created that great Leviathan called a commonwealth or a state, " which is but an artificial man, though of greater stature and strength than the natural for whose protection and defense it was intended."
His first treatise, a book called De Cive, or De Cive, depending on how you pronounce it, On the Citizen, was published in 1642, and it was a kind of draft version of Leviathan that was published almost a decade later, again in 1651.