just like the line numbers in any modern edition of Milton that's been produced for the likes of you, for the consumption of college English majors.
Everyone likes to see the change of the Guards and hopefully see the Queen.
The enlightenment, if you go back to its routes in the seventeenth century with the likes of Hobbes and Locke-- what is the ultimate place you go to?
Even more dangerously, from the standpoint of anybody who likes poetry, he talks instead of "statement," meaning science, and "pseudo-statement," meaning poetry.
Plato thought of democracy as a kind of rule by the many that he associated with the unrestricted freedom to do everything that one likes.
Now you might be able to resist them and not eat them in abundance but they're still there and the brain likes those sorts of things.
If you heard the sentence " "John thinks that Bill likes himself," in a fraction of a second you would think that it means " "John thinks that Bill likes Bill."
This kind of ritual honor all the time I mean after all we have a president who just likes to speak like a Texan, he doesn't do all that honor stuff.
In many ways Aristotle there offers, as does Plato, a certain kind of critique of the modern or even the ancient democratic theory of freedom, which is living as one likes.
So it was a theme of the period and Freud's Beyond the Pleasure Principle contributes to this theme. Brooks himself likes to -- refer to the text of Beyond the Pleasure Principle as itself a master plot-- in other words as having a certain fictive character.
If I showed your best friend a picture of you versus a mirror image picture of you, your best friend would say he or she likes the picture more because that corresponds to what he or she sees each day.