But we went to 17 destinations in the Middle East and in Europe and in Scandinavia.
A lot of people here think of Lebanon as the Middle East, as like a war zone.
The plant based economies began in the Middle East and then they spread to the rest of the world.
I went to the Middle East with a group of faculty members and other students, including this faculty member that I spoke about, who by the way was also a Jewish and that was an important learning for me.
With the result that in another 10 years, you could see China and India and the Middle East and the EU in this huge economic bloc.
And there were many people trying to resolve the conflict, not just in the Middle East,else in the world, with very good intentions but very often making inadvertently the matters worse.
Which would of course cripple the global economy, because as much as we want to win our independence from oil, most of our oil were still coming from the Middle East.
The Middle East is looking east.
But Russia itself has no worse loss for the United States right now could find ways to keep us so tight down in the Middle East for a decade that we could do nothing else.
It gets reflected in India, in Pakistan, in the Middle East.
So increasingly now, Africa, Middle East, all the way over to India and then to China, huge trade routes, huge investment routes.
But I see our biggest threats are the implosion of the whole Middle East, to start with.
Middle east oil is critical to the rise of India and China, and in that sense it's very much part of the economic process.
We've ignored the larger Middle East.