Number 3 is editing the money in the bank story.
A commercial bank, like a goldsmith banker, accepts deposits--that's critical -and that means you can put money in the bank.
People were very upset that they had left their money in the bank and the government was just saying, you can't have it.
The thought was that the central bank is guarding the money stock and governments have a tendency to sometimes want to raid the bank when they're in trouble.
People were pulling money out of banks because they feared that if the bank failed, then they would lose their money; it created a huge crisis in 1933.
The member banks just as with the Bank of England when they're in trouble they are supposed to be able to borrow money from the central bank.
The government was panicked because the banks didn't have enough money to give it to them, so the government shut down the bank accounts and it led to rioting in the streets.
Inflation is the most important thing according to many views because the Fed has to guarantee the soundness of the money supply -- and there have been so many cases in history when the central bank allowed debasement of the currency through inflation.
Your banker understands that your business can't pay the money back and that the bank has a reputation in the community of helping business people, so they won't ask for the money even though it's a short-term loan that they made to you.
So Boston money was probably pretty good because of the Suffolk System but if you tried spending New York money in New Haven Band Note Reporter they would get out the Bank Note Reporter and put a discount on it.