• The second thing I want to say is less about paper writing, and more about the trajectory of this course and what we're seeing in common between these novels.


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  • And I would say in terms of our... in terms of like the academic goal, Ivy League schools are more or less... uniform.


    类似常春藤 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • Justice is nothing more or less right than what benefits the rulers, the rulers who determine the laws of justice.


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  • He's introducing the reader to a mode of vision different from the vision typically permitted him from within the poem's more or less straightforward, linear, narrative boundaries.


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  • The more salient we make the source of the arousal, the less likely you can get the effect.


    耶鲁公开课 - 心理学导论课程节选

  • And so the breakdown that we've had in past terms are just under half of the students describe themselves as among those less comfortable just 10% over 10% among those more comfortable, in between.


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  • For every person who has less than the median amount of life, there's another person who has more than the median amount of life.


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  • While on the shop and street I gazed My body of a sudden blazed; And twenty minutes more or less It seemed, so great my happiness, That I was blessed and could bless.


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  • A normal reason for fighting is a dispute about a piece of land that is more or less on the boundary between them, and so that's one aspect of their world.


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  • You have these broad things, like if you just got the population to eat less junk food and more fruits and vegetables, well you might be 80% of the goal line or 90% of the goal line, so some broad rules pretty much apply.


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  • This game that's going on more or less right now in the primaries, well I guess the entry stage of it is gone now.


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  • So in the sense there is opportunity, and there may be more opportunity in the long run even if kind of the entrepreneurial opportunities are less frothy than they might have been in the short run.


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  • This was a radical concept in its day, evidently. The punishment should fit the crime, no more and no less for all free persons--granted slaves are not included--regardless of social class. Equality before the law.


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  • We think that the more interesting investment opportunities are kind of outside of the mainstream with more entrepreneurial firms and ones that might have less traditional backgrounds.


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  • These are going to be fairly common-sense definitions, but they're important, and when you get to a problem set, really nailing down what the system is, not more, nor less, in terms of the amount of stuff, that's part of the system, it's going to be often very crucial.


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  • Cells that are within the region that becomes the nervous system become less like the zygote and more like the cells of our brain, neurons and glia, and cells of the mature brain.


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