And if you want to kind of help yourself with English, the most important thing is exposure .
To survive in New York City, the most important thing is to watch your back always.
Sure. I would say the most important thing is to... for me, to find consistency.
Well, the most important thing is, especially in their early stages,
And I think the most important thing, we can remember right now, is how we can connect.
What I found is the most important thing is to something get out
The most important thing is to just try.
The most important thing that these do is: they specify what reserves insurance companies have to hold.
The most important thing about parenting-- " it's not how much you tell your child "honesty is important" but rather how honest you are.
hey'd rather single step it through using Idol or something, than just read it and try and figure things out. The most important thing to remember when you're doing all of this is to be systematic.
Second thing, most important thing for doing well in physics, is to do the homework.
Next we will deal with what's the--arguably-- the single most important thing when we listen to any piece of music and that is its musical form.
Milton -- this will be the working assumption that I bring to my reading of this poem -Milton sets out to prove something in Lycidas, and the most important thing that he proves is his control over the learning that he has accumulated.
If you were to say to me, what do you think is the most important thing, however you define thing, that has changed the character of life in the United States in the twentieth century, I would say the disappearance of farmers.
What do you think is the most important thing to teach students who learn English as a second language?
What do you think is the most important thing that parents should teach kids to be prepared to listen to teachers at school?