This cation is attracting the chloride next to it and it is repelling the sodium as the next nearest neighbor.
I thought London gives me enough to do for the next four years while I am studying to have a life.
In Section IV then, the next, on the next page, blessing is not, on the other hand, something to work for.
Man, them white folks oughta catch you and send you to a zoo and keep you for the next war!"
Now, compare the first element in each of these lists. Two is less than three, so two ought to be the next element of the list.
Lynda, let's go-- we should have the previous yeah-- we shoud be-- that's the next variation-- I confused--I confused Lynda there.
And I actually say in my acknowledgements that I wrote this book, above all, for the next generation, for my children.
You would probably not even think to say, pay me 3% interest plus the rate of inflation over the next year.
And then it occurs to you that in the next room there's a healthy guy who came in for a check-up.
So for those of you who are nerdy enough to understand the next sentence let me just say it.
As soon as we read the next lines, we're struck with the possibility -and surely it's just a provisional possibility, but we're struck by the image that Satan's spear is actually quite small.
we'll send these questions to your TA so any time you get a clicker question wrong and you're confused, bring it up in the next recitation section and you'll be able to discuss it there.
You know, I mean right now it's me and whoever it was and me and my roommate Dustin and just come sitting there work serially on a new project and then finishing it and then planning how on doing the next project.
So if you now reverse the story that we're telling here, what was the next line supposed to be after sorting left half?
It's essentially about one of the most immediate and important evolutions over the next century I think.
And then, for the next piece of information, I am going to go to postulate number five.