So on that I'm going to end today and next time we will talk about justice, the philosophers and Plato's discovery of America.
up to the modern age with philosophers like Machiavelli, Descartes, Locke, etc.
Are the philosophers or are the poets you might say the true legislators for mankind ?! if you want to use Shelley's dictum?
During the Enlightenment, the works of the philosophers that could not be published in France werepublished in Switzerland, more about that another time, and in the Netherlands.
Identity is not necessary, but contingent, as the philosophers put it."
Progress in the eyes of the philosophers of the eighteenth century, though they would have been very angry to hear me say this, was something like the equivalent of the Christian hope for immortality.
Error is not a poetic elaboration on things which somehow, as it does in Plato's view, undermines the integrity of that truth identified by philosophers.
Robert Nozick, one of the libertarian philosophers we read for this course, puts it this way: Individuals have rights.
And the great theologians and philosophers like Augustine wondered about this, can you sin in a dream?
Obviously philosophers in the past have speculated about life after death.
Well, one of the greatest philosophers I ever read was Aristotle and I think his Nicomachean Ethics, if you read it, makes a great deal of sense -where you live with this golden mean but at the end use your intellect.
whether it was the mental health workers, whether it was the philosophers,psychologists, praise the program as the best,as highly effective, when they looked at the raw objective data, the results were shocking.
Most importantly you might say what distinguishes the gentleman as a class from the philosophers is a certain kind of knowledge or practical intelligence.
Unless the philosophers rule as kings or those now called kings, genuinely philosophize, there will be no rest from the ills for the cities, ?! he says, right?
A couple of other English political philosophers, Hobbs and Locke, applied a similar novelty and modernity to the sphere of politics.
Upon his return, he established this school at Athens he called the Academy, "Academy" for the training of philosophers, statesmen, and legislators.
And it is certainly the case that the body theory has its advocates among contemporary philosophers.
So consent has come up a lot and here in John Locke, we have one of the great philosophers of consent.
In the case of great philosophers, however, better yet to preserve one's physical presence in order to inspire future generations of thinkers.
The things that are worth having for their own sake, " philosophers call intrinsically valuable.
It's not necessarily chronological, but at the same time it gives you a sense of successive metaphysical philosophers thinking about first causes, origins, and about whatever it is that determines everything else.
There are philosophers-- and here I'll tip my hat and say, I'm one of them--there are philosophers who believe that, in fact, the idea of free will is not incompatible with determinism.
But that's not what the philosophers wanted us to do.
The great philosophers had arguments that they were putting forward to try to persuade us of the truths of their positions.
In that chapter, chapter 46, Hobbes writes: "There is nothing so absurd that the old philosophers have not some of them maintained.
The Republic asks us to consider seriously, ? what would a city look like ruled by philosophers?
Different philosophers agree that something's gone wrong in the Morning Star and the Evening Star case, but disagree about the best diagnosis of where the mistake went in.
It should be taught from the universities and from this conversation will be sprinkled upon the people. Hobbes' hope, like that of all the great political philosophers, was to be a kind of legislator for mankind.
They are, to put it another way perhaps, not only potential rulers and potential philosophers, they may also be potential revolutionaries, and the remainder of the book is addressed to them and of course people like them.