• We can certainly think about the forms, but if they're non-physical they can't be grasped by something physical like the body.


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  • There are views where mind and body are just two different ways of looking at the same underlying reality where the underlying reality is neither physical nor mental.


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  • Appeal to a physical body suffices, I think, to have an explanation as to the difference between an animated and an inanimate body, how bodies will move in nonrandom ways.


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  • So the mere fact that we decide, if we do ultimately decide that there is a soul, something nonphysical, separate and distinct from the body, doesn't guarantee that we survive our physical death.


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  • If that which grasps the ideas or the forms must be eternal/non-physical, well one thing we're going to get is, since that which grasps the forms must be non-physical, the soul is not the body.


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  • On the one hand, even if it were true that the soul must be non-physical in order to grasp the non-physical forms, wouldn't follow that the soul will survive the death of the body.


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  • So on the monist view-- which we'll call "Physicalism," because it says that what people just are, are these physical objects--on the physicalist view, a person is just a body that can...you fill in the blank.


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  • Well, there are the various parts of our physical body, but there's also our soul. Remember, as I said, in introducing the Phaedo, Plato doesn't so much argue for the existence of something separate, the soul, as presuppose it.


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  • We now have two rival explanations, the soul, dualist, explanation that we went into the other world and the physicalist, promissory note that we can explain the white lights and the feeling of euphoria and seeing your body from a distance in physical terms.


    耶鲁公开课 - 死亡课程节选

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