The answer to the rhetorical question is that we can't tell the difference between the dancer and the dance.
Edith, a reader of sublime simplicity, as de Man says, misinterprets the rhetorical question as a grammatical question: "What is the difference? I'm curious to know."
And Abraham's reaction comes as something of a surprise. He objects to the plan, and he starts to argue with God. "Will you sweep away the innocent along with the guilty? Shall not the judge of all the earth justly?" That's in Genesis 18:23-25. The question is of course rhetorical.
I don't care what the difference is" is the meaning of the rhetorical question.
Now the rhetorical question completes the usual reading of the poem.
He's claiming only that it is available and can be adduced from what we call "evidence" in the same way that the symbolic interpretation, based on the rhetorical question, is available and can be adduced from evidence -and that these two viewpoints are irreducible.
De Man's point is a question is both rhetorical and grammatical, and the one cannot be reduced to the other. Both readings are available.
Right? That would be an entirely different matter, wouldn't it, because you would have absolutely no idea whether the question was rhetorical or grammatical, right?
He makes a perfectly plausible argument to the effect that the question is grammatical rather than rhetorical.