So inadvertent sins can be purged, the sanctuary defilement that they cause can be purged by bringing a purification sacrifice.
Likewise, the gifts--the other foods and pleasing odors attracted and maintained the continued presence of God in the sanctuary.
Then as you move in, the outer courtyard, the outer enclosure of the sanctuary, bears a slightly higher degree of holiness.
If the sanctuary is not purged of impurity, it can become polluted to the point when God is driven out entirely.
But the second is a desire to attract and maintain the divine presence, the continued presence of God in the sanctuary.
So for this reason, the sanctuary has to be regularly purged of the accumulated defilements accruing to it as a result of such sins.
Now, it's evident from the schematic representation or the way I've described the sanctuary that holiness increases as you move deeper into the sanctuary.
The book of Exodus closes, with the construction of the sanctuary, and when the sanctuary is completed, the text says the presence of the Lord filled the tabernacle.
So the purity that's required of a priest, who has access to the sanctuary proper, is higher than that of an Israelite, who has access to the outer courtyard only.
The blood of sacrificial animals is assigned by God as a detergent, if you will, to cleanse the sanctuary of the impurities that are caused by the sinful deeds of the Israelites.
And the high priest loads all of the sins and impurities of the Israelites on the head of a goat, which then carries them off into the wilderness away from the sanctuary.
Purification of the sanctuary was believed to be critical to the health and the well-being of the community.
Once the sanctuary is purged, the offerer has settled his debt, he's repaired the damage he caused.
And then halfway across the courtyard, there was a screen that marked the entrance to another little enclosure, ; which is the shrine proper, the sanctuary proper; and only priests have access to that area.
You can't even offer a sacrifice unless you're already ritually pure, because you couldn't get into the sanctuary to offer your sacrifice if you weren't ritually pure.
So if you're impure at home and just minding your own business, it's no big deal. It's only a problem if you decide you want to go to the sanctuary. So purity and impurity are states of qualification or disqualification for contact with sancta.
And according to Milgrom, this is the priestly answer: every sin pollutes the sanctuary.
It may not mark the sinner, but it does mark the sanctuary.
It's accessible to Israelites who are pure. The sanctuary proper, which is in closer proximity to God, bears a still higher degree of holiness: it's accessible only to the priests, who are said to be the holy ones within Israel.
The purification offering acts on the sanctuary, not on the offerer.
You may think you've gotten away with something, but every act of social exploitation, every act of moral corruption, pollutes the sanctuary more and more until such time as God is driven out entirely and human society is devoured by its own viciousness and death-dealing.
These are spelled out in Leviticus 18 and Leviticus 20, those two chapters. Besides defiling the sinner, moral impurity symbolically defiles various sancta, especially the sanctuary, but also God's name and also the Holy Land itself.