• The Lady's talent has to be spent in order to fulfill the covenant of the trust between the master and the servant.


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  • Because the servant had not been willing to spend the only talent that he had been given, the master instructs him to give his one and only talent to the man who now has ten.


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  • Then Moses the servant of God died there, in the land of Moab, as God had said, and he buried him in the valley, in the land of Moab...but no man knows the place of his burial, to this day.


    耶鲁公开课 - 旧约导论课程节选

  • The Death of the Hired Man," "Home Burial," "A Servant to Servants," these are poems in which Frost is giving New England workers the language of the great English poets.


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  • But the servant who had been given only one talent hid the talent in the earth so as -- perfectly understandably ] - so as not to risk the only talent that he had been given.


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  • Now think of it: if Milton had been the servant, he wouldn't even have made it to the stage of burying the stupid coin in the earth.


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  • I think the genius of this parable hinges on the fact that the servant who was only given one talent seems to be acting so perfectly reasonably - with a laudable form of caution and hesitation, you could actually say.


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  • The servant's problem was that he didn't take enough time.


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  • But the Lady is hoarding that natural gift just as that unprofitable servant had buried his talent in the earth.


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  • It's possible that in merely reading and in merely amassing more and more knowledge, Milton's doing little more than the unprofitable servant in Matthew 25.


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  • Okay. To one servant the master gave five talents. You remember this story To one servant the master gave five talents, to another he gave two, and to a third servant he gave one talent.


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  • And Moses said to the Lord, "Why have You dealt ill with Your servant , and why have I not enjoyed Your favor, that You have laid the burden of all this people upon me?


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  • the parable of the unprofitable servant, the parable of the talents.


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  • As a model of economic activity or as a kind of vocation guide, this parable couldn't be more opposed -- or to some wouldn't seem more opposed - to the parable of the unprofitable servant.


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  • It's perfectly inscrutable as far as I'm concerned. But I think I can say with absolute certainty that one of its possible significances cannot be that the unprofitable servant should have waited to make his investment.


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  • And for Milton, whose temperament up to this point inclined him obviously to hesitation, to postponement, and to merely the anticipation of profit, the pressure applied by this parable of the unprofitable servant may very well have seemed utterly unbearable.


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