So, given the set-up, you kind of feel what you're missing, you know, what this home pitch is-- the pitch to which you are gravitating.
So, Descartes would walk around the French Royal Gardens and the French Royal Gardens were set up like a seventeenth-century Disneyland.
Remember what range does, it gives me a set or a collection or a tuple of integers from 0 up to 1 - is the last value, so it's going to give me everything from 0 up to the total number of heads.
He created finally--he emigrated to the United States and he set up a city called New Harmony.
Hobbes set himself up as the great anti-Aristotle, the great opposition to Aristotle.
For example, one of the experiments we do is measure the magnetic field of current coil, and after we do the experiment, we all have a passive visualization that shows the same experimental set-up, except we add to that.
ReadFloat We'll look at it in a second. Let me sort of set the stage up for this -- suppose I want to input -- I'm sorry I want you as a user to input a floating point number.
Their first answer was well you have to remember we were set up in Abe Lincoln's day to manage the national banks--that's our mission.
You could come by during my office hours, which are on the syllabus, and you could send me e-mail and set up an appointment.
The problems are set up so that, if you start down the right path, it should be pretty straight-forward to work it through If you start down a plausible but incorrect path, you can sometimes find yourself stuck in the weeds somewhere, and we want to bring you back in.
They decided to set up individual competitions like the Olympics where they--where people wouldn't compete as Eagles or Rattlers but rather they would compete as individuals.
Now, what they did was--they were clever psychologists so they set it up in a study where the people did not know sexual orientation was at issue.
Savings and Loans are the same as Building Societies, but the idea--the original idea and also the general idea today -is that these are banks set up for small savers in order that they can buy a house.
The idea was that the --so he set up Moody's Rating Agency and the job of Moody's was to give letter grades to securities; it was a little bit like a bank, but it was different because he didn't actually make the loans.
主旨是... 因此他成立了穆迪评级机构,穆迪的工作就是用字母给证券评级,这有点像银行,但还是有区别,因为他并不发放贷款
So they started off. They wanted to have-- They set up peace talks where a representative of the Eagle and a representative of the Rattler were set to meet and plan ways so that they could disarm and stop using cuss words and everything like that.
Well in a sense, the other thing that happened was, in 1934, Congress set up the Federal Housing Administration--FHA.