But for Milton's contemporaries in the seventeenth century, Milton's power really wasn't at all aesthetic or even religious in nature.
Let me take you back to the seventeenth century, up to the very beginning of the literary reception of John Milton.
In particular, Hobbes faults the universities for teaching what, for teaching the radical doctrines of Aristotleanism in the seventeenth century.
Diplomacy is still in Latin until the end of the seventeenth century and then, as you know, it becomes French.
There was an intellectual leap that occurred in the seventeenth century and it became very fashionable to talk in terms of probabilities.
So, you can see the whole period till 1945 is an even more horrible thirty years war than that of the seventeenth century.
The enlightenment, if you go back to its routes in the seventeenth century with the likes of Hobbes and Locke-- what is the ultimate place you go to?
So, Descartes would walk around the French Royal Gardens and the French Royal Gardens were set up like a seventeenth-century Disneyland.
The strings are now metallic but sixteenth, seventeenth to eighteenth century they would have been made out of cat or sheep gut.
They would have appeared in the seventeenth century with line numbers because line numbers obviously facilitate the production of scholarly commentary and facilitate the study of those texts in the classroom.
They build huge houses in the seventeenth century in Moscow with very old-fashioned traditional Russian architecture.
The attack began not all that long ago, really only as late as the seventeenth century.
that the actor playing Comus in this first and only performance in the seventeenth century was none other than our John Milton himself.
And this is a huge problem in the seventeenth century.
It grows dramatically because of this global trade in the seventeenth century.
This is the seventeenth century.
The nativity of Christ, as you can imagine, was a popular subject for early seventeenth-century poets for pious early seventeenth-century poets.
But Hermitage was a wine that was known by connoisseurs in the seventeenth and eighteenth century, and ever since then.
But in the course of history, we settled beginning in the sixteenth and seventeenth century, down into just two patterns: what we call the major pattern and the minor pattern.
As with almost all of the issues of contemporary and political struggle in the seventeenth century, Milton's own views really pull decidedly to the left, to the progressive end of the political spectrum.
You have 500 miles of canals dug just in the middle decades of the seventeenth century.
At this time the Dutch are sending herrings, these long flat boats, herring ships are going all the way to Newfoundland in the seventeenth century,and Iceland, freezing off the coast of Iceland.
In the time we're starting this course in the seventeenth century, besides London, which is this gigantic place, the biggest cities in England were Norwich and Exeter, and York in the north.
So that was very tall in the seventeenth century.