The share price, you could say, is identically zero.
Actually, you can't say what the share price is because there are zero shares and they have a zero price, so the value of the price per share is zero over zero and you can't define it.
There's no price per share that you can observe and the banks can't do anything except passively receive the dividend.
Yale University is a non-profit corporation; the price of a share in Yale University is undefined-- it's zero over zero.
That means that the price of each share should decline by the amount they paid out divided by the number of shares.
Then you make money if the price of the stock rises above, in that case, $11 a share.
Yes, he's asking after a firm pays a dividend that should lower the--you were asking whether it should lower the price of a share.
Immediately after the payout dividend, the share-- the price of the share should go down, right?
The price reflects--really, when you buy a share of a company you own it forever.
You can see that the stock market has been more volatile than the earnings and the price of a share is many times higher than the earnings per share.
The price of a share is going to fall on that day.
S&P corrects for splits and follows the price of a share.
So, we paid one dividend and I don't know how much excitement it generated, but that's the Does this mean that share price will drop by $2 after a $2 dividend?
But typically, in the United States, they do splits to keep the price of a share somewhere in the $20 to $40 range; there's interesting literature on why they do that.
It certainly isn't irrelevant to the price of a share.
What is the price per share, do you know?
Boards always want to keep their price of a share up because if it starts to decline, the company could become a takeover target; it's viewed as a failure etc., etc.
A lot of people watch the price of their share everyday-- some people get neurotic about it-- and then suddenly it drops by $2 a share and they say, oh my God I'm worried.
The debt irrelevance theory says that it matters for the price of a share what a company issues-- how much debt it takes on-- but it doesn't matter for the value of the company.
One thing that Merton Miller distilled from it was that people on boards, who decide on dividend payout, are very focused on the price of a share and they're worried about investor reaction.
It's kind of like the average price of a share adjusted for splits because you don't want the--obviously when they do a two-for-one split, the price falls in half and that's meaningless, so you want to correct for splits.
The price of a share is the price of the ownership of that earnings' stream If I buy a share I'm in with everyone else who owns the company and I have a claim on the earnings' stream, but the earnings' stream is a year-by-year thing.