It shows the standard deviation of the return on the portfolio as a function of the expected return on the portfolio.
7% 77% is class average and the standard deviation was 17% so you can see where things lie. 50% is a pass.
And then I could also do a Gaussian one here, with the mean of and the standard deviation of volatility divided by 2.
To calculate the expected utility of your wealth, you might also have to look at the expected return, or the geometric expected return, or the standard deviation.
Because the square root of 10,000 is 100, whatever the standard deviation of the portfolio is, you would divide it by 100 and it would become really small.
The standard deviation is the square root of the variance.
You want to, for any given expected return, you want to minimize the standard deviation, so it's the left-most line and that means that everyone will be holding the same portfolio.
So that's .16/100; so the standard deviation is .04.
Then, once we did that we could plug that into the formula that I gave you last time and get the standard deviation of the portfolio and the expected return on the portfolio.
What is the standard deviation?
So, the optimal thing to do if you live in a world like this n is to get n as large possible and you can reduce the standard deviation of the portfolio very much and there's no cost in terms of expected return.
That's got the lowest possible standard deviation of expected return and that's 25% stocks and 75% bonds with this sample period.
Let's suppose that all of them are the same-- they all have the same standard deviation.
It could be normal, everything, that would be a Gaussian, where if you recall there was a mean, and a standard deviation, and most values were going to be close to the mean.
You could always find a portfolio that had a higher expected return for the same standard deviation.
Number of policies doesn't affect the means but it affects that standard deviation, so it becomes very collapsed and this is the basic core idea of insurance.
You can't come up with a number to describe the twenty-five standard deviation event; it's just too large a number, I think, for any of us to really comprehend.
What we want to do now is compute the mean and variance of the portfolio-- or the mean and standard deviation, since standard deviation is the square root of the variance-- for different combinations of the portfolios.