Another value for community learning we set up to have office hours, synchronized office hours, with the students and the professor.
I heard that it's getting harder to get a job in the United States. How about the students at MIT?
And Nabokov says: The students leaned heavily on emotional identification, action, and the social, economic and historical angle.
It tends to be a one-way flow of communication From the faculty to the students. It highly confined Students have limited opportunities to ask questions.
The final course the students take then is the Capstone project, which happens over the summer.
This is actually a case that one of the students in the class asked about, I think it was last week,if it wasn't even earlier.
We really wanted the students to have the inputs.
I started talking about what happened in October 1987 and I looked around the room and I realized that I think the students were three or four years old in 1987 and weren't yet reading The Wall Street Journal.
And we invite professors from other schools or people in industry to come talk to the students here.
- Just to give you another several fun facts -- and next week, once we've looked at your Problem Set "Zero Submissions," which, if you haven't filled it out yet, you'll see asks a few demographic questions, a few geek-type questions so we can get a sense of the students.
So for us to train the students, to train the engineers to become more experienced in developing innovative products, but that's where the opportunities are.
So it's quite, it's quite important, so the students have quite a bit of power in that way,
When it does happen, and it happens too often for my liking, the students just get a zero.
how all the spaces are allocated in the building, the new renovation in terms of the students groups.
And, guess who the most severe members of that committee are? It's the students, your peers who are outraged at that kind of behavior.
I think... the students that I think are particularly special, are the ones who are engaged