I mean, the Greeks didn't -- Plato's Symposium, all of these guys are sitting around having a drinking party.
我是说,希腊人不这样 --,在柏拉图的飨宴上,人们坐在那里举行酒宴
His complex relationship with Socrates is Alcibiades by the way recounted in the drunken speech that Alcibiades gives in Plato's dialogue Symposium.
And here's the thing; the idea is to drink as much as you can without passing out and at the end of Plato's Symposium everybody is out, except for Socrates who looks around and says, "oh well no more conversation everybody's asleep."
That's all they do all night, but they also are talking and they're talking very well as a matter of fact, and the goal of this conversation is, or of this party rather, Symposium means by the way drinking together.