• The first thing we need to do is write the electron configuration for the atom itself, and then we need to take an electron away.


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  • What's really prior is the car itself and talking about car stages is a certain convenience a kind of way of chopping up the fundamental thing of the car.


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  • The only thing worth more than the slaves in the American economy of the 1850s was the land itself, and no one can really put a dollar value on all of the land of North America.


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  • Then also you'll be asked to do identifying information if you print it out from the program itself, but if you go up to your web browser print option and print from that particular thing then you can do it and no identifying information will be necessary.


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  • So, when the right signal is received, the right T-cell finds your host cell with a foreign virus in it, the first thing that happens is that this T-cell becomes activated and it starts reproducing, making more copies of itself.

    所以 当接收到正确的信号,恰当的T细胞寻觅到,感染外源病毒的细胞时,首先发生的是,T细胞被激活并开始增殖,制造更多自身拷贝

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