• One of the things that extended time in the wilderness allows is sort of a reorienting of the idea of control.


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  • and we have a lot of one-on-one time with the professor, and we can...


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  • There is no border in the West. So Sal has to reinvent one, and in some sense it's a border of time.


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  • One is time, that I think it takes certain amount of time to shed the thoughts, the anxiety in everything else.


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  • Callicles tells Socrates "Philosophy is a pretty toy if one indulges in it with moderation at the right time of life.


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  • I think one of the most pervasive problems in the financial markets is investment with too short a time horizon.


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  • So what I'm saying now is it took a long time for this to solidify. And one of the things we think made it solidify was the development of codices,a codex.


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  • So what would I want to do? I'd like to somehow walk down each of the digits one at a time and add them up. Ah, that's a looping mechanism, right? I need to have some way of walking through them.


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  • So, you would try to take your message to one of the Pan Hellenic festivals which were getting organized about this time.


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  • Okay. We have time for another simile, the last simile of Book One.


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  • But smallpox was, at one time, one of the most frightening diseases on the planet.


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  • That was usually one of the only time when the president had the opportunity on his own to do some reading, wirtting notes, making some calls.


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  • He looks like one of these royal people that were painted all the time.


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  • But the point to think about for next time is just, is it really true that all three of the premises are true, or might one or more of them be false?


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  • who will help me out? They find themselves surrounded, and Paris is--it's nothing like- - it's one-third the size of London at this same time, or at any other time, but it has a huge circumference.


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  • Now, for a long time in American scholarship and in American classrooms one of the deep mythologies about this whole story of the era of the American Civil War in the Old South is that the Old South's plantation economy was dying out.


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