Notably, on Monday, the Treasury Department, under Secretary Henry Paulson, announced a proposal for fundamental change in our financial markets.
Right as Undersecretary of the Treasury for International Affairs in the administration of Gorge W. Bush How bad is it?
this is David Nason and Henry Paulson, although it's not signed by them, it's signed by The Treasury.
The economic health of this country in the long run will be dependent on the economic health of the treasury, of our fiscal situation and we can't get that under control until we get the entitlement crisis under control.
We get all used to the billion dollar line of credit at the treasury, but not all will somehow get it.
As far as I know, he doesn't publish he's not in the newspapers, but he's gotten the ear of the Treasury Secretary They spent many weekends together figuring out what should be done about the system and they wrote up a proposal.
I think this is what the Treasury Department says, that they are kinda busy with other things until then.
re not regulated tightly as ordinary banks would be I believe they have something, they have something like two billion dollar line of credit at the treasury.
At the February 14th auction, Treasury bills were-- sixty-day treasury bills were sold and the auction price is given.
One is the bid, which is what they'll pay you for a Treasury bill if you want to sell to them.
The Federal Reserve has a list which you can find on their website of dealers who are eligible to participate in Treasury security auctions.
You see how I completely bypassed The Wall Street Journal and I went to Treasury Direct?
Well, you can go to Treasury Direct as an individual and buy a Treasury bill, but it may not be the best place to buy.
The U.S. Government is a big issuer of discount bonds and they're called Treasury bills.
The Fed is taking on a serious risk in doing this because these assets that it takes on in exchange for Treasury securities could fail.
The three-month Treasury bill rate is shown there--it was much lower--it was under 3%.