In fact, the vast majority of citizens in even the platonically just city will not necessarily have platonically just souls.
I don't like that idea. Especially because in the vast majority of physical punishment cases,
So, I've got this tiny volume with, in the case of gold 79 plus of charge, and I've got some electrons out here somewhere, and the vast majority of the atom is nothing.
This is what people are being told they should eat, but in fact, the vast majority of Americans do not meet dietary recommendations.
But the vast majority always says, no, there's something missing from that life.
A handful of people would, the vast majority would turn.
As we will learn throughout the course, by far the vast majority of what our brains do, the vast majority of what our minds do, is unconscious and we're unaware of it.
And, to be sure, there were lots of crowds in Paris were the inevitable crowds who shouted for war, which was sort of odd because Paris was increasingly a leftwing city, because the vast majority of the population of Paris were ordinary people,were workers, more about that another time when I talk about Paris.
The vast overwhelming majority of people needed to farm land, in order to stay alive.
So, the vast majority of elements in the periodic table are metals.
First of all, the majority of the alpha particles were transmitted through the screen, OK, majority, vast majority.