how many teachers working in the classroom ? day in and day out know about the Pygmalion effect?
where i'm working, you know, twelve hours a day for a couple a months of the year.
But it's always minding that team dynamic because at the end of the day, we're just a group of people working on one single goal If we can't step in a cohesive coordinative fashion, then we're going to trip all over the place.
We had an example of that the other day working with the Mozart-- Where was that?
The adult learner has enormous pressures on them to not take time out to learn, but instead to continue working in their working environment and in the context that they are in the day-to-day environment.
usually I'm working the day time.
And the challenge for scheduling is to pick the things that you want the president to be working on and the president wants to be focusing on proactively rather than just reacting to whatever the crisis on the day was.