No. 2, we believe that young people have to be a key part of building that ethos One of the reasons for that is purely demographic.
I'll give you--in one of Kahneman and Tversky's examples, people were asked to judge the occupation of a young woman.
Milton acknowledges that the course he's chosen for himself may not be a natural one: Nature herself pushes a young man to begin a family and to seek credible employment .
I think he died too young-- that's one of the misfortunes of living.
You would buy life insurance on both the husband and the wife -you might do different amounts; it's done by families with young children to protect them against the economic cost of the death of one of their parents.
I was standing at the World Economic Forum at one of our lunch things and a young woman approached from Swiss Re, which is the Swiss Reinsurance Company, and she said she wanted my ideas on how to sell crop insurance in Africa.