Another theme in the Book of Deuteronomy is the theme of providential concern, and that appears in Deuteronomy 8.
Don't fail him or he will drive you out just as he drove out the Canaanites. That's a theme in Deuteronomy.
Student: The beauty of the language and symmetry, the sentence structure, the word choice: I guess going away from the theme, more of just the language.
Let's see what happens here, just the motif, one, two, three, four, three four, one two, and then the theme.
Women whose lives are mostly held in the private sphere rather than a public one are never gonna be taken in for state torture because they aren't actors on the political and social theme.
Okay, so there was the family theme here that now that KFC is healthy it becomes something the whole family can enjoy.
The Apology, the Crito, these are warm-ups to the big theme, to the big book, the Republic.
Milton -- and we know this -- Milton was a political revolutionary, and when he anticipated writing the great poem, he consistently imagined that it would be a poem on a nationalist theme.
We so long had this game of sort of always looking for the central theme of Southern history, the central theme of the South.
This gets back to my main theme of Tuesday, which is be systematic.
As a matter of convention and good style which is another theme of the course that we'll focus more - on on Friday onward, it's generally good to-- good style to actually describe in English even succinct English, what your program is doing.
.. I just don't--people don't like-- ... people would rather hate-- I don't know why it's something-- it wouldn't be a good movie theme, would it?
He builds this big-- I call it a noble theme park, basically, at Versailles.
And one theme we're going to return to is— this is half the brain.
If you ask him if it's our people're gonna go, man will lose heart because of the theme of The Magnificent Ambersons that take you leave the way.
And you'll have fun, you'll learn a lot about France, I'll tell you that. Okay, one theme I'm interested in is-- well let me tell you about lectures, first of all.