• Specifically, what is it that American companies that, both then and now, still don't understand about China that you think you do and they don't?


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  • then you've got hedges and bushes and now cars and all sorts of things you got to go over.


    知道马球吗? - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • Now if they had taken another set of 446 anorexics, and again June was the month, then there would be some credibility in it.


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  • Now, when you do this, how many-- and then so, for instance, you get the sentence "Fred likes Wilma."


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  • Now, if that potential changed and it stayed changed forever, then the cell would never go back to its resting state.


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  • So increasingly now, Africa, Middle East, all the way over to India and then to China, huge trade routes, huge investment routes.


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  • Then it's very clear the way you patch it up is you multiply it by this constant and now we're all set.


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  • I am going to forget it now, and then I will patch it in at the end.


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  • And then now they've put in a centre de memoire, sort of a memory site there, that's kind of slick but it's fine.


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  • Then there's Tier II capital and then they have a formula -now, this is defined in Fabozzi.


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  • Now, daily values are established by the government, how much nutrients the typical person needs and then how much--what percentage of that a food provides.


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  • Then we looked at some possible payoffs, and now it is a game.


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  • Every now and then,people's bodies get possessed.


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  • So, I said, okay, I didn't want to assume so we clicked senior and frankly it was then a dead end because apparently to get some senior discount you need to have some special pass or something like this that we didn't have and yet that certainly wasn't obvious here so now we together and this person in particular had to figure out how you go back and then restart this process.


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  • but I like to, every now and then, I take a walk over there, just cut through Central Park


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  • Cities like Gdansk, which we tend to forget about, unfortunately, which is a very important port then and still now.


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  • But for now all you need to know is - that these four different kingdoms-- one was where we now have Greece, another one was where Syria is, another was Egypt, and then there was another further north, but that's not as important for us.


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  • So, let's change our graph where we now have this zero point set as the two individuals hydrogen atoms, and then we see that our h 2 molecule is at the negative of the dissociation energy, or the negative what that bond strength is.


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