You've got the model solutions, and there will be a test in recitation on Tuesday the 14th based upon that homework.
You said that there will be homecoming day this week. Could you talk about it in detail?
There will be a test on Tuesday ; based on homework one; ten minutes at the beginning of the recitation.
There will be millions of kids out there now that say "Gee, I'd like to learn to play the violin too."
Here you have somebody who's happy, at ease, and completely secure that there will be food around the corner.
Lastly, there will be very often a list of blessings for the party who obeys, and curses for the party that violates the pact.
And from there, maybe there will be some possibility to move forward together.
Hopefully within two years, probably not next year, but within two years, there will be positive psychology class offered, but I certainly cannot guarantee it.
There will be no war in a couple of years uh..If you look at the stimulus package, the one thing it is not done is stimulating.
Remind you, that's not to say that I myself do believe that there will be a Judgement Day, and on that day God will reassemble the bodies.
A lot of these people in the Mexican banks thought, well surely there will be a bailout if something bad happens; the government will pay for it, so let's run with it.
这使大批墨西哥银行家认为,如果出现危机,政府必定会出资援助,所以我们放心干吧 政府会买单的
I think... I'm hopeful that there will be some action in the next coming years
And I think you will bring trust that there will be good opportunities for us to type.
There will be the visual images that I'm going to talk about in lecture, and that I will make accessible to you on the class's server.
Again, until we get our class set and all that, then there will be a very different kind of lecture starting next Monday.
Somewhere on the line there will be competition in terms of...sort of, you know exports, Right now are the exports of different... -Yeah, they're different.