If you think about it, every single person in this world has some connection to money, they all hate it.
It's saying, "Remember, check it out, you want to do this and think about it carefully."
It's one that is maybe initially counterintuitive but actually, I think, is rather important once you begin to think about it.
So, let's think about it, and let's think about what we're actually doing when we solve this.
Let's think about it for ten seconds why this could be interesting and relevant, and I want to ask if anybody changed their mind.
Yeah,not so much,but if you think about it--so it's not that--if you--it's not that we're allowing even more space here.
Because if you think about it, suicide doesn't change the fundamental nature of the human condition, life followed by death.
Let's think about it in terms of the local level and then perhaps the national and international level.
And since carbon's electronegativity is higher than that of hydrogen, which you would expect from where carbon lies on the Periodic Table. Think about it.
You could go through a lot of these parameters and think about it in the same way that these things are really very highly controlled.
Put some money in and then you think about it and then you call me up and say, do you want to buy some stocks.
Let's think about it a bit, let's go back to the previous picture.
So, with these questions in mind, I want you think about how we can see the novel and how we can think about it in the face of the interpretation that's already layered on to it.
I don't mean they dig in the ground, but they supervise it; they think about it. They are like people who are in charge of a plantation, their own plantation,I mean.
Now, we will discuss multiple personality disorder towards the end of the semester and it turns out things are a good deal more complicated than this, but still my point isn't about how it really is but how we think about it.
And one common way to think about it, is to think about the value of r, or the radius, below which 90% of that electron density is going to be contained.