Unfortunately, we now have lived with it forever, so don't think of it as actually being anything dynamic particularly. It's just a name.
like someone dies and you only think of it as an emotional event,
When I call or invoke a function, think of it as creating a local table.
It's juicy evidence that provides for Milton's intense fondness for - we might even think of it as a passion for - this earlier English poet.
If you stop and think of it as a grammatical question, you say to yourself, "Gee, that's a very good question, isn't it, because, of course, the easiest thing in the world is to tell the dancer from the dance.
So you can think of it, if we were to just think of it as a straight line that we were going across, essentially what we're saying is that we're getting from point a to point c without ever getting through point b.
It doesn't really matter, let's just think of it as being a mile long.
We might think of it as, the overall shape of your life matters.
When we look at the death of Socrates, do we think of it as a tragedy, as a moral tragedy, ? a just man sentenced to death by an unjust law?
Now one of the big advantages of plasmids,I already mentioned, is that you can take this plasmid and a plasmid is one - you can think of it as a highly tuned machine for copying itself.
Actually, his death came rather suddenly and he was working on a requiem that someone had commissioned from him under rather mysterious circumstances and he began to think of it as his own requiem, and indeed, he didn't actually finish it.
So you can think of it as left or right, top to bottom, or whatever, the point is they come next in RAM.
you know, to sort of think of it as just,
I think of it as a kind of reply to that famous question in "Leda and the Swan"; that is, "did she put on his knowledge with his power before the indifferent beak could let her drop?"
Maybe you think of it as a lot of money, but it's not.
In other words, you might think of it as a kind of artificial, processed, bland, easily consumable version of fate. I really mean that. One of the funny things about that debt to Finnegans Wake is, Finnegans Wake as a book of puns is unreadable.