Well, this allows us to try to go back and explain some phenomena that over the years, mounting evidence was building that couldn't be explained.
So, this allows us to look at a bunch of different atoms, of course, limited to the fact that it has to be a 1 electron atom.
But whereas the other one was obviously forever, this allows you to specify a finite number of times that you wanna do something.
So this allows us to calculate all sorts of things to get these functional forms.
And that's very nice, because this allows me to be sure that my FOR loop is going to terminate.
And the electrical energy is the product of the charge on the electron times the voltage which is the potential difference through which the electron was accelerated. And so this allows me to, by increasing the voltage, increase the energy on the electron.
But get out of yourself, and allows this wonders, this connection to fill you, and lift you up today.
It allows for this map between a symbol, say a spoken word, and any sort of thought we want to use.
So this design of having students on campus once a month for intensive classes allows students to continue working full time.
This outburst allows Milton to solve what may have seemed up to this point an insoluble conflict: the insoluble conflict between the two meanings of the word vocation that we've been exploring.
In the presence of this ligand, this molecule, it's open, it allows transport of this ion, when the ligand is gone it doesn't.
Each one of those electrodes allows us to measure, we plot voltage verses time, ? this signal coming from the tip of that electrode. Ok?
And it perhaps allows the opportunity for more personal interpretation, "exactly what does this music mean," more personal interpretation, because we're not tied to a text; we're not linked in to a particular text that tells us what it's about.
I mean a blanket term, a guiding concept, a transcendental signified, something that explains the nature of the structure and something also, as Derrida says, which allows for limited free play within the structure; but at the same time the structure has this kind of boundary nature.
That large, white knee: the way this narration allows us to see through Haze's eyes Haze the whole body apart, so what he sees is not Mrs. Watts; he sees a large, white knee.
And wilderness experience allows us to step back, and say were we really or not in control of all this as much as we think we are.
Realize that there's this wonderful mechanism in place that allows you to put your toe in the water for several weeks no less and then get a sense, and then decide whether or not this is something for you.
And this is just an incredibly important area that thermodynamics allows us to speak to.
This diagram here sort of allows me to walk you through some of the terminology of this stem cell development and talk about these concepts.
Odds are if you're an upperclassman, you've had that experience where it's 12 AM, 1 AM, 2 AM, and you're really starting to stress over the incompletion of some problems that for some course, well frankly what this mechanism allows you to do if you're already 90 percent of the way there, you can call it a night and you can put it down and you could feel good nonetheless about where you got to.
So it turns out there's a solution to this: If you need more precision, more digits after the decimal point than a float allows, what do you go for instead?
So putting back that prototype allows me to compile this, because I'm saying proactively to the compiler hey, you're going to see a function called increment.
We own our own phone number, that allows you to input key strokes like you would any system and this is an example of what we call CS50 Voice.
Scratch This Boolean expression allows you to say to scratch if you are touching the mouse pointer, the little arrow, do something. How do we do something?