So we've now whittled this problem down into half and so we can literally and dramatically throw half of the problem away.
and to kind of throw away my ideas that are perhaps a bit too creative, a bit too off the wall.
One thing that I'll just throw out now is that it's a remarkable description of the modern world of moral uncertainty.
If the surprises are too great, then they induce overstrain and we throw away the book in frustration and despair.
Another is the admonition not to throw your pearls before swine, not to preach to those who can't hear, or won't be perceptive.
Clearly, if I take a chalk like this one here, and I throw it on the ground, and it breaks in little pieces, if I run the movie backwards that doesn't make sense, right?
Now you might say, wait a minute. Thing's ordered, if I stop part way through and I throw away half the list, doesn't that help me? And the answer is yes, but it doesn't change the complexity.
It's not always how fast you throw the fastball, sometimes it's your different styles or the different ways that you decide when to throw what.
The orbitals you consider as bins in which you can throw electrons, one per bin.
What might you conclude? Throw it out, what might you conclude?
And as I mentioned earlier then, death is so horrible and life is so wonderful that it could never make sense to throw it away.
For example, if you're talking about the chalk--if I throw the chalk, you will have to know where it is and how fast it's moving.
Railroads is a good example--and sometimes I'll throw out examples, you're not responsible for them, it's just kind of hopefully interesting for you to think about.
Once you throw your shield away and you're running, anybody who's got a weapon can take you out, and that's what would have happened. Yeah?
I always throw that back at people and say, damn it, read some history.
I mean I'm not going to try to trick you or throw in things just to make sure you come to class, but it's usually a pretty good policy.