So when we talk about a cohort study, this means taking a group of people and following them over time.
or if it's over a long period of time and it's an ongoing situation that you want to get rid of.
It wasn't the fact that they were running that time and they say "Oops! We are over the speed limit!
And so you'll learn over time both by seeing and by doing that there are generally some good ways, some okay ways, and some bad ways of actually writing code.
Over time he gets cuter and cuter and cuter as the artist converged on more and more baby-like features.
In this worldview, institutions--human institutions evolve only slowly over time and cannot be altered by abrupt human interventions.
And I apologize for taking you over, we'll come back to this next time, please go to the website to sign up for recitation for tomorrow.
And this will have to go up before The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry before they approve it because they fought over element 106 for the longest time, but I think this will go through fairly quickly.
That's where you're just asked over a period of time, how often you eat this list of foods and you're given a very long list of foods.
What gives it its identity and ? enduring existence over time?
He was not against the church, but he thought that people were wasting time being monks, and other people were all over the place in their Russian Orthodox equivalent.
Even if you imagine that slaves did the work, you would need a hell of a lot of them, over a long period of time, and you had to feed them, if nothing else.
Yeah, so maybe even among your roommates, maybe you don't need a contract because you can manage to achieve the same ends, by the fact that you're going to be interacting with the same person, over and over again during your time at Yale.
It's an anthology of writings or books written and edited over an extensive period of time by people in very different situations responding to very different issues and stimuli, some political, some historical, some philosophical, some religious, some moral.
But if you look at the tech fund category, the difference between the dollar-weighted and the time-weighted returns--this is over a ten-year period -is 13.4% per annum; that's stunning.
His father was a democrat in czarist Russia, and he was quite a reformer. At the time that the Bolsheviks took over in 1919, there was a brief window of time prior to the family's flight.