But we get tired of saying that long expression, so we're going to call that a Newton, right?
But after a while I got really tired of wandering around
Eventually, presumably, so it seems to me, you'd end up saying, " "I'm really tired of crossword puzzles."
So, we actually met somebody who knew her; and the school is now named after her; but, it's a wonderful, wonderful read, it's just great. My family got a little tired of this and said, "Do we have to--how many more of these places do we have to see in which this woman taught?"
but I think eventually 3D, like people will get tired of only seeing 3D.
It is--at least, it puts itself out there as a candidate to be an alternative term that one might use if one got tired of saying "irony" or "paradox."
It's just war is being dissed by those people that are just so tired of the killing.
It's almost as bad as Iraq and the soldiers are tired of all of this.
In any war, particularly in this kind of war, reconciliation is something that typically happens very few wars end with total victory or total defeat, usuallly war ends with the parties get tired of or weakened enough.
If you're tired or stressed out or in a bad mood or, you know, full of rage.
So just to reinforce this, I could run gcc math2.c but I'm getting a little tired of this a.out convention and recall that there's this utility called "make" that right now doesn't really improve much, other than give it a better name.
because you can tell that you and all of your team members are very tired.
I'm really tired and I have a lot of school work to catch up on.
The problem is that you get tired of doing math after a while, 100 years, 1,000 years, a million years, whatever it is.
People are getting tired of the whole damn thing.