You don't want to just ignore it, but in cases like that, it's usually a small fraction of the total.
Come and claim it afterwards, but you're all entitled to whatever a ninth, whatever that fraction of five dollars is.
When a brief pulse of electricity is sent to the read/write head it flips on a tiny electromagnet for a fraction of a second.
So for instance, immediately you read "The pig is eager to eat" versus "The pig is easy to eat" and in a fraction of a second you know there's an important difference.
The idea really took root--the idea, the intuitive idea is that as you write a large number of policies, the fraction that will result in accidents becomes closer and closer to the probability of one accident.
Chronic diseases have a major role in the healthcare costs, so if you look at these chronic diseases, heart disease, stroke, cancer and Diabetes we find that seven out of ten of all deaths are now due to chronic diseases, whereas, it was a very small fraction in 1900.
Every cell in your body is only using a fraction of the DNA that's available to it.
You've learnt what the words mean, but you have abstract and unconscious rules that take these words, figure out the order, and in a fraction of a second, give rise to understanding.
There might be these, what are called epigenetic differences that I mentioned changes in the structure around DNA, and those changes lead to differences in which fraction of the total genes in the chromosomes are being expressed by a particular cell.