He says, "This book tells a harsh and forbidding story and makes one wonder just exactly what its relation to truth is.
The "I wonder" pattern is a great way to a little bit ambiguously state that
I wonder”句型是个很棒的句型,它可以模棱两可地表达
It made me wonder if they were trying to tell that I should retire; it felt like a retirement party.
When I was growing up, But it was still a joy and a wonder to me.
So you don't pick up a document that has a whole lot of Greek, or what looks like Greek to you and wonder "Where do I even begin?"
We must wonder whether the power of modern weapons will allow it and the world to survive at such a price.
We have only hired one Yale student so far, we're too tiny to--so we're not hiring, in case you wonder It was a student in this class that we hired, but again, that's all history.