It's important to notice something when it's new because then you have to decide whether it's going to harm you, how to deal with it, to attend to it, but you can't keep on noticing it.
where I can choose the hours I work and be able to attend my daughter's dance recitals
Now we don't care what you're eating so nobody-- we're not going to attend to that at all; I mean you could eat Twinkies four times a day and that could be your total diet, or you could eat something else; it doesn't really matter so much.
To attend these lectures in sections-- more on that in a moment; to submit 9 problem sets, take two quizzes and ultimately design a final project.
We will be covering material in recitations that're not in the lectures, not in the reading, and we do expect you to attend recitations.
Now, to do well in the course, you have to attend both the lectures and do the readings.
The important thing is for you to stay with them and get to know them and I urge you to attend the T.A. Sections.
What kind of novel do we see if we attend to those scenes?
For example, perhaps your friend's wedding is coming up soon, and you really would like to attend.
Why did you choose to attend university in New York City?
And, by all means, if you are scheduled to attend class at 11:00, please take the test at 11:00.
All officials from the chancelleries that he had created and all of the officers were obliged to attend this torture scene as a way of warning them that, "You'd better not mess around."
So Kurt Russell and his friends attend a small private college, which cannot afford to buy a computer.
In order to attend, you must know the date and the time. You can ask your friend, "When is your wedding?"
为了能够出席,你必须知道具体的日期和时间,你可以问你的朋友,“When is your wedding?”
The final exam: you should do well if you read, and if you come to lecture and if you attend section.
We've had super sections, as we called them this past week, really to -- available to anyone who would like to attend.