You know some people need money to be satisfied or fulfilled.
And just as there are innumerable human activities which require undistorted references if they are to be satisfied, so there are innumerable other human activities not less important which equally require distorted references or, more plainly, fictions.
But hopefully, you will not be satisfied to just make a general statement here when we do have these glitches.
It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied.
But the new thought here is what would be good would be being able to live until you were satisfied, until you'd gotten what goods there were to get out of life.
However, after a while,he comes to be too satisfied, too comfortable with his own brilliance and when another threat comes to the city,he is confident that he can solve the problem again for his people.
These are some of the implications of no longer being satisfied with the way in which a sign can be understood as a concept to which we attach belatedly a signification, a signifier.